First, I just want to apologize for any English spelling or grammar mistakes, I am sick with a sinus infection and double ear infection. I should probably delay this post but I think it has been too long since I last posted.
Two weekends ago I went to Tarazona to visit my friends and we went to Navarra to a natural park called Sendaviva. I didn't know what to expect since they described it having exotic animals and amusement rides. As it turned out it was a zoo/amusement park hybrid. We got there first thing in the morning and stayed till it closed. We went to the circus which at first I thought was going to be cheesy but actually showed that they have some really talented gymnasts and acrobats. Also, this park is known for having the longest zip-line in Europe, 600 meters. I did not participate as I get motion sick easily and I had already done a zip-line in NJ at a camp in 8th grade. All-in-all it was a really fun weekend.
Last week, I presented Halloween to most of the classes that I saw. [I forgot to add that on Thursday I wore my Halloween shirt, the only Christmas present I got from my parents 2 years ago!] I must say it is very different from last year, the noise level is a problem. Half the class time is spent with the teacher telling the students to be quiet and listen, it gets to be rather annoying that they never listen. Of course not all of the students are the problem, some are very interested in having a conversation and practicing their English. It is trying but I am being positive about it, in the future the teachers told me I will be with smaller groups of students, and only the ones who participate. Needless to say I am looking forward to that day! I do not know how this week is going to go since my pronunciation suffers when I have a stuffy nose.
This past weekend I also went to Tarazona. We were supposed to go to a village called Trasmoz but in the end we didn't go because we arrived from Zaragoza too late. I was looking forward to going but was also battling my infection so I was torn about the trip. We went to dinner Saturday night and then Sunday morning early we went to see Jorge in a rally. Rally for those of you who don't know because I didn't know before a couple of weeks ago is car racing but not like Nascar. In rally they go one at a time for 4 or 5 laps and at the end they see who has the best time. Last month we went to one in the Pyrenees and it was very exciting. This just wasn't our weekend because on the first run his car's transmission broke and so his team was out of the competition.
The past couple of days I have just been trying to recuperate before starting back to class tomorrow.